Tuesday, April 17, 2012

That's all, folks!

Friends, the journey has finally come to a close. I can't believe it. Those three months felt simultaneously long and short, and this last leg in Peru was quite something. I was homesick, but also clinging to my last few moments of traveling. I was supersaturated but still trying to see more. You'll get a glimpse of the cities I visited on the "Where am I" page, and the more country side of things is on the "Outings and Activities" page. Overall, it was really a wonderful trip and I've learned so much. I think I have recharged myself for my return to New York and I can't wait to get back to work! Looking forward to to seeing everyone soon. Much love to all and thanks so much for sharing this adventure with me virtually!

Here's me, going for the south-of-the-boarder look with my braids and whatnot during an outing on Lake Titikaka.
I started collecting and pressing flowers while I was in Peru...hopefully I'll use them in some sort of mixed-media collage type of thing.
A funny sight in the airport in Lima...all the stuff they pull from people's bags and confiscate. Somehow this is the perfect visual metaphor for returning back to New York and the US of A (I think...though I can't really explain why).