Sunday, May 8, 2011

More of the Same?

More studies for paintings and stills from some video projects...not sure where it's all going but at least there's a little momentum!

To add to the clothesline paintings...I like that this is all whites. 
This was the door to one of our hostel was really tiny (like just tall enough to walk through) and obviously a little spooky. There's a bit of theatre here. 
This was the view from the back of one of those scooter/taxi things (we took it in  Puerto Lopez). Another nice painting, I think.

Clothes Monster in the Attic

There was a creepy room next to the same room that had the creepy door...unfortunately the lighting was too dark so you can't see it (it's like a spooky attic). I shot some footage wearing a layers of clothes and rolling around in more clothes and blankets. We'll see.

A Sort of Ophelia Study

Here's what happened with the petals I bought from that lady in the market. Again, we'll see where it goes once it's edited...