Friday, June 3, 2011

Eating Ecuador

City food, mountain food, beach food...all in all, our whirlwind tour of Ecuador led to some pretty tasty morsels.

 Lots of hostels have breakfast included and when I saw this one at my first hostel in Quito I was so excited. I found out later that they charged me for it. They tricked me! Still tasty, though.

Here's a sample of one of the breakfasts we made for ourselves at the next hostel in Quito. Just three sibbies breaking fasts wholesome.
For those that are squeamish, turn away now...these are cuy (guinea pig). I'm sort of cheating here because I didn't actually eat one. I'll probably give it a taste in Peru. Yikes.
Possibly the best meal of my trip so far. This plate was a lunch special in an indoor market in Baños. It had everything...rice, sausage, eggs, beets, potatoe croquettes, a little salad. Ahhh! Plus I think we were the only gringos in there so that was nice too.
Grilled corn with queso crema. I got this from a stand at the overlook point in Baños. So good. I've got to try making this this summer.
A moment on the empanada...I have yet to encounter the type of empanada that I truly love, the ones that are baked and bready with yummy fillings (Argentinian style). Mostly they are deep fried like this one, which is still pretty good. I have a feeling Peru is going to deliver on the empanada front.

This was at a fast food place in Cuenca. Pork chops, rice and beans, plantains, a little cheese. Who could ask for more?
This was a yummy fried fish deal at a restaurant close to the beach. They put a dollop of ketchup on the rice, which was interesting.
Beach breakfast! We bought food at a market for our breakfasts so we could save money. The bread looked like a turtle! Yay.
Beach ceviche! This was pretty good and super limey, but I may have liked the Panama fish market ceviche better.

Doesn't look like much but this was a really tasty dish back in Quito with chicken and rice and beans. Plus, it was only $2.50!