Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Lazy Art-making

Costa Rica has made me a little too lazy for more attempts at animations, but I still had a chance to make a few things (and play with local kids, of course). Plus, most importantly, I've been doing a lot of reflecting and planning for my future, which takes up a fair amount of creative juices!

I met these guys in a playground close to a spot where I had just sat down to paint. They  were super curious and so I shared my paints and pencils. They were really funny and I enjoyed watching them work (since they were using my supplies, I didn't really get a chance to make anything of my own that day).
This was my favorite piece. Her friends were pissed because she was hogging the paintbrush, but it was totally worth it. She took it home to her Mom, to my chagrin. 
I've been drawing little items I find on the beach. This is a perfect activity for shady times (I can only lay in the sun for so many hours before I start to scald like a piece of chicken.)
 This one has a cigarette butt in it. I may do a whole page of those next. 
After a really lame attempt at painting some corny boats, I chose to go in this direction instead. I think I'm going to make a whole series of these sort of organic map-like things. Sort of a dream map or a map of my subconscious. Unfortunately I only have a few more pieces of this nice watercolor paper since those greedy kids and my autistic friend in Guatemala used up most of it. Wah.