Thursday, March 3, 2011

Feed me, Samasati!

One really nice thing about paying for an all-inclusive retreat is that there are three meals a day ready to go for you, buffet style. All the meals were vegetarian (not really my deal, but I'll take it) and super tasty. I actually didn't realize how little I had been eating leading up to this retreat (I think the altitude in Guatemala and the bus riding curbed my appetite). I was pretty active doing yoga and walking around (and napping in the hammock), I was super hungry for every meal. Yummers.

Breakfast of rice & beans, eggs and tons of fruit. I also got into the habit of drinking this yummy yogurt thing. Yes, I am turning into one of those people that drinks yogurt.
Lunch! Lots of salad (with pesto on it! there was always pesto available which will probably never be the case again unless I make it myself at home). Sauteed veggies, fresh bread and butter. So healthy you want to puke, right? That's a fresh guava or melon juice, too.
And dinnsies. Wild rice, more beans, a cheese empanada (fried!), some plantains, more salad with pesto. Ahhhh...what a life. I didn't get a picture but there was always a tasty desert for dinner, too. The flan was my fave.
Wait, what the...? This is not up to par with Samasati standards. That's because this is what I have been eating when left to my own cheap devices, staying at Hostel Pagalu. Not too shabby, but it's pretty much what I've been eating every day. In the morning, sub out the cheese/avocado/tomato for peanut butter and banana. Ah well. All dreams have to end sometime. (or do they?)