Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Jungle Lovin' and Fun with Aminals!

The main chunk of my time in Costa Rica has been yoga and beach-filled. But I have had a chance to get out and explore a little bit, walking in the jungle and visiting a Rescue Center for animals just outside of town.

A wee waterfall on a trail close to Samasati. So pretty. 
A toucan in the trees just above the deck of the main building at Samasati.
The Giant Tree! A short walk away from our bungalow, this thing was ginormous. There was a sort of cave in it that a person could hide in, but it was way too creepy to try. I walked here with my friend and bungalow-mate Linda, and 5 minutes after we saw this tree some frog or something peed on my leg in terror as I walked near it. It was gross but luckily I escaped rash-free!
Behold the Howler Monkey! I saw this guys up in a tree while I was riding my bike to the beach. It looked pretty innocent, but it makes the most insane sound (especially around 5 a.m.) to claim its territory. It's unreal. Google it. Do they do google audio?
It's hard to tell from this picture, but this is actually a unicorn! Ok, it's only a white horse but this place is so frigging magical it may as well be a unicorn.
A really nice graveyard in Puerto Viejo. 
A fake human head used during tours at the Jaguar Rescue Center to scare local kids into being nicer to native animals. Wacky.
A pickled Bushmaster (yes, that's its real name). Maybe the most deadly snake in the world! Yikes.
Caimans hanging out in the sun. This is what I've been doing for the past few days, too. They are my brethren.
A baby Margay! Apparently this one was found in a trunk of a car getting smuggled across the boarder. We got to watch it eat a live mouse. Mmmmm!
This male Spectacled Owl has a broken wing and will never fly again, but his healthy lady-owl won't leave his side and now she's having chicks. How romantic.
Ahhhhhh! Baby sloths. Amazing. I also got to play with a baby howler monkey but I couldn't bring my camera with me (damn...I really wanted a Frida Kahlo moment).
And a famously cliche image of the Red Eyed Frog of Costa Rica. I'm not much of a frog person but I felt like I had to take a picture. Yay!