Jungle Lovin' and Fun with Aminals!
The main chunk of my time in Costa Rica has been yoga and beach-filled. But I have had a chance to get out and explore a little bit, walking in the jungle and visiting a Rescue Center for animals just outside of town.
A wee waterfall on a trail close to Samasati. So pretty. |
A toucan in the trees just above the deck of the main building at Samasati. |
The Giant Tree! A short walk away from our bungalow, this thing was ginormous. There was a sort of cave in it that a person could hide in, but it was way too creepy to try. I walked here with my friend and bungalow-mate Linda, and 5 minutes after we saw this tree some frog or something peed on my leg in terror as I walked near it. It was gross but luckily I escaped rash-free! |
Behold the Howler Monkey! I saw this guys up in a tree while I was riding my bike to the beach. It looked pretty innocent, but it makes the most insane sound (especially around 5 a.m.) to claim its territory. It's unreal. Google it. Do they do google audio? |
It's hard to tell from this picture, but this is actually a unicorn! Ok, it's only a white horse but this place is so frigging magical it may as well be a unicorn. |
A really nice graveyard in Puerto Viejo. |
A fake human head used during tours at the Jaguar Rescue Center to scare local kids into being nicer to native animals. Wacky. |
A pickled Bushmaster (yes, that's its real name). Maybe the most deadly snake in the world! Yikes. |
Caimans hanging out in the sun. This is what I've been doing for the past few days, too. They are my brethren. |
A baby Margay! Apparently this one was found in a trunk of a car getting smuggled across the boarder. We got to watch it eat a live mouse. Mmmmm! |
This male Spectacled Owl has a broken wing and will never fly again, but his healthy lady-owl won't leave his side and now she's having chicks. How romantic. |
Ahhhhhh! Baby sloths. Amazing. I also got to play with a baby howler monkey but I couldn't bring my camera with me (damn...I really wanted a Frida Kahlo moment). |
And a famously cliche image of the Red Eyed Frog of Costa Rica. I'm not much of a frog person but I felt like I had to take a picture. Yay! |