Tuesday, January 31, 2012

*a brief disclaimer...pay no attention to the dates on these posts. You'll notice many of them are a year old. The only accurate ones are on the home page. It's my way of manipulating blogger. 

Adios Xela...hola autobus!

Two weeks in Xela came and went with a flash and I am off to begin the next leg of my journey. That means three days on a bus to Costa Rica! Find out more about the bus adventures on the "Where am I page".

But first, many thanks to my host family (the Polancos)for having me...and to PLQ for an amazing learning experience!

Mari, my host abuelita! I will miss you most of all. She's holding one of 4 puppies that were squirming around in the room next door the whole time I was there, unbeknownst to me! I was so excited when I got to see them. So tiny! The family was really excited too, because they were going to sell them for $40 a pop.
Goodbye Septima Avenida! My house was the pink one. You can't see it, but there's a sign above the door that says "Somos Catolicos". God bless 'em.
Family Polanco! On the right, Monica (Mari's daughter), in the middle, her daughter Karen with her daughter Luna. ON the left, my pal Juatel and up top, smarty pants Elian. We had a lot of fun playing dodgeball with that ball. I let him win. This was at our last day excursion to the zoo (though we spent more time in the park outside the zoo, which was for the best since the zoo was super depressing). See video below for a better sense of the tone of this outing.
A glimpse of PLQ, where I spent several hours studying Espanol. I love this place.
The last night at PLQ, we all cooked a dish and had a big dinner (a weekly tradition). Some of the teachers got together and sang songs for us (it was hilariously bad...you can see they are all laughing at themselves). All the students that were finishing that week said something or did a little number. I sang a song on my uke (see "Me & My Baritone Uke" for a sample of that). It was fun. We even got little diplomas!
A moment with mi familia, caught on video, in the park by the zoo ...I paid for the bus out there and the lunch (yes, Pizza Hut) as one of my parting gifts.