Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Por la Ventana

The second week in Xela and then a bunch of time in transit didn't leave much room for exciting excursions like my first week. Here's a glimpse of what I was able to see from my dreamy seat on the bus.

Lots of countryside like this all through Guatemala and El Salvador. Mountains in the back, pastures in the front. I tried to get some cows and horses but it's too hard to catch them when you're wheeling by. You can use your imagination for that part. They're the skinny kind you see in developing countries.
A pretty rio just past the boarder between Guatemala and El Salvador.
More mountains stretching out into the distance. I think this was Nicaragua.
Off the bus...Managua at night. These little tiendas were right across from the hostel I stayed at.

I met this guy at the hostel. He was CRAZY. He truly believed he was the second coming of Christ and talked nonsense to me for a really long time...apparently every great invention of the past century was stolen from him. His mother was Mary and the Good Witch of the East. He used a bunch of sort of funny made up words though, including "cathoholics". Wackadoo.
A wind farm somewhere between Nicaragua and Costa Rica. It was huge.

A family in Nicaragua just hanging out watching traffic. I see you, family!
My favorite part of the bus ride! (please try to imagine the deep tone of sarcasm here). This was after several hours on the bus and a two hour boarder crossing process. What you can't see is that both tires here are flat. 
It was a nice opportunity to bond with my companeros. We took turns taking a leak and rolling our eyes. There were two giant German guys (one with an amazing handle bar mustache) that spoke wonderfully broken English to me. Ah well, we made it eventually.